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Trophy RiseAndShine
Sly! Come in! Sly! Do you read me?
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  • Distract the crowd by dancing with Carmelita, while Murray steals the Clockwerk wings

Written Walkthrough

Rajan has gotten word about the bridge being destroyed, so he orders his flashlight guards to take all the manpower they have and look into it. After the guards leave, Sly asks Murray if he is in position and Murray confirms that he is in position. Sly states that it looks like Bentley's distraction did the trick, so phase two will be intiailized: Sly will dance with Carmelita and distract everybody while Murray handles getting the wings and doing the heavy lifting. Sly goes to Carmelita and states she owes him a dance. Carmelita states it's about time as she thought he left, but Sly claims he was waiting for the perfect moment.

This dance is just like the dance with Neyla—memorize the sequence of buttons that appear on the screen, then repeat the sequence shown to complete a series of moves. A short time after the start of their tango, Carmelita mentions to Sly that he looks familiar, and even asks him if he's in law enforcement. Sly responds with saying he very often does deal with police while on the job.

While the two dancers are getting romantic and Rajan being occupied at seeing the moment, Murray will be lowered down to the statue, cut the statue's wings off, and begin his rise back up. Make sure you don't mess up the dance too much. If Rajan gets too bored from the dance, he will see Murray trying to take the wings and you will fail the mission.

At the end of the dance, Carmelita asks the 'stranger' his name. Sly doesn't answer that question as he states they shouldn't ruin the moment. Carmelita doesn't understand, but they are soon abruptly interrupted by Rajan, who has just seen that the Clockwerk Wings are now gone and begins to question on what happened to them. Carmelita is confused too, and as she tries to make sense of the situation, she feels something in her hair. She pulls it out and finds out that the thing was a rose with Sly Cooper's calling card on it. This makes Carmelita realize Sly stole the wings.
